Koh Ngai
Ullas hemsida

More about

..Koh Ngai
There are only three small resorts on the island (dec 2000). No inhabitants other than hotel people. There are no roads. Electricity only a few hours every day. We are staying in a bungalow at the Koh Ngai Resort. It´s very quiet and relaxing here.

..Emerald Cave.
On the island Koh Muk there is a 60 meters deep and about 75 meters wide, round hole down in the island. At the bottom there is a beach with palmtrees around it.You can only get to the beach through an 80 meters long black tunnel from the sea. It´s raining outside when we swim into the black cave led by our guide. He has a torch in his hand to light the way. It´s an incredible feeling to come out of the dark tunnel and into the shallow water of the laguna. The sun is shining through the rain and the water is chrystal clear and green as emerald.

Koh Ngai

After an hour´s boattrip I arrive to the small island Koh Ngai, together with my family and some good friends. A boattrip in Thailand always takes an hour ;-) We are met by a terrible noise and Kjell, my husband, asks what it is. The answer is cicadas. (The sound is sometimes very loud. One morning I wake up from it and ask Kjell why he has set the alam-clock.)
What we see onshore is the restaurant where we will enjoy many good meals.

We have decided to stay on the island for one week and then go on to Malaysia.

You don´t have to dive to get a fantastic kick out of swimming. A snorkle is all you need.

One day we rent a longtailboat and then we go around the island to find better snorkling and our own beach.

Complete rest. No touristshopping anywhere. We have plenty of time to read and build sandcastles.

Koh Muk, one of the islands in the background, has a cave that was found just a few years ago. It´s called the Emerald Cave. One day we decide to go there. We have to wait for low tide to be able to get in.

I don´t have any pictures from the cave. You will understand why if you read more about it here to the left.

A break before lunch. We get "flied lice" with chicken and after that fresh fruit.

A beer in the bar at sunset..